Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Itchy And Scratchy Show

Given that we've decided to scrimp on buying sunblock for our Sg Sedim trip, we finally got the opportunity to break out the bottles of Aloe Vera that's been collecting dust on Thursday. It's interesting really, because we've been peeling dead skin off our left arm throughout the whole week with no problems.

On Thursday however, all sunburnt areas on the arms finally caved in and started peeling. We didn't realise this of course, as we were too engrossed in our Meat Dinner. All we knew was that sometime while we were savouring the spread of food our arms started itching something persistent, that attention and scratching was required.

We just got a bit worried that we were allergic to a certain dish. But heck with it, scratch away we did. Eat and scratch first, antihistamine, lotion and worries later.

Turns out we aren't allergic to any of the meat (phew!) and that the sunburnt skin is finally peeling akin to the decals on a oft-worn t-shirt. Gives us something to do (but not with sadistic glee mind) as we now flake in ways more than one. Thing is, we don't see the end of the peeling yet :S All aloe vera lotion does is just moisten the skin and relieves the itchyness, that's all. Hmm probably should start using the loofah more frequently.

Love the tingly feeling of mint or menthol shower gel on fresh skin.


adrien said...

was the tingly feeling of mint or menthol shower gel on fresh skin enticing the sadistic glee mind? lol

Janvier said...

Adrien: It doesn't, because it's a lovely feeling. If you want sadistic glee mind, let us demonstrate by flaying off an area of skin from your arm and giving it a rock salt bath? Free of charge.

adrien said...

do it! yes! DO IT!!


Janvier said...

You just wait. Oh, we thinks we'll do it on the back of your neck instead of your arms then! :D