Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Sg Sedim - Forest Frolicks

After lunch the itinerary included the Flying Fox and Tree Top Walk. Yes, well, for us this be 'extras' as we've just finished with the highlight of the trip. :D

The Flying Fox basically started us up somewhere atop a scaffolding and zipping down. Questions on everyone's mind was, "Will we be strapped on or anything? Or we suppose to hold on for dear life?" As it turns out, everyone wears a harness, helmet and gloves (yes, forget about sanitation as you'll be wearing other peoples sweat not only on your head but on your hands urg). The best bit about the Flying Fox was that we werent' limit to just one time each - and so some of us had an extra go!

Last outdoor activity for the day was the Tree Top Walk - a metal platform leading us to some 26050 millimeters from forest level. The platform tended to sway and bounce a bit...and it didn't help that we bounced about as we went along. Now if only it wasn't a metal platform but some rope bridge or something. Lil' Y pointed out to us, "You're not really interested in ecology, are you?" to which we just grinned and bounced more.

During the Tree Top Walk we could actually feel our camera overheating! And then soon after the walk was over the battery died. So, not only we do not have photos of the whitewater rafting (unlike Aik Yong's trip where got guide take photos for the group), but we'd to wait till we reached civilization before any more pictures could be taken.

Dinner was stated to be a BBQ dinner at 7.30pm, but we only got to start eating at 9.30pm. Thank goodness we had Ice Age 2 on telly to keep us all company. After dinner everyone bunked in early for a couple of reasons: it was a long day; and our favourite excuse from Ivan, "There's no supper provided, so better sleep early!"

Back in Penang the following day, it was plain food food food and nighttime drinking/integorration session. Every one else also ended up buying biscuits and preserves but the amount of flies swarming the preserves just put us off. Come night it was time to intergorrate The Fiancees - from why the change of mindset from non-marraige to marraige, how he proposed, why was some bits of the proposal funny etc.

Someone quoted this line. We couldn't help but laugh.

Come Sunday, the long journey home. First stop to New World Food Court for brunch (totally awesome pai tee), then the crawl home where we all freaked Lil' Y out singing Belle (especially with Webchitect in falsetto). Ended up at the Farmland Porridge Steamboat at Jalan Pudu for dinner before being dropped home at 10.30pm.

And only to end up sleeping at 5am. Argh!

Update: Aik Yong has gotten his report up! And all in one post! We is now shy, long-winded creature that we are.


Jason said...

Had fun flying? :P

Shake Trees said...

flying fox n snowy mountain, the chinese drama. lolx. seemed urs is jungle instead. :P

Aik Yong said...

flying fox: now everyone can fly!

Janvier said...

Jason: Not too much of an adrenaline rush but still fun.

Koala: Because here no snow. :(

Aik Yong: And we had a FireFlyz and FireFox then also didn't we?

Anonymous said...

eh spell properly la ... re: sadness before xxx picture...

Anonymous said...

oh forgive me ... twas me, li li, in previous comment. :P (or just the eager spam machine)

Janvier said...

Anonymously-claimed-Li Li: Very remiss of us. And we thought you wanted marriage to be changed to a certain 3-lettered word, hence the xxx.